Steps to a Healthy, Happy Bird

Feeding Your Bird A proper diet must include a variety of sources for carbohydrates, fats and protein. Since seed diets are too high in fats and phosphorus and also deficient in vitamin A and calcium we recommend that commercial pellets diets become at least 60-70% of daily intake. The remaining 30-40% of diet should be [...]

Truffles or Toxicity?

By Irene Choi, DVM Here in the Puget Sound Region there are plenty of forests with thick layers of built-up decaying debris and in our climate of almost constant moisture in the spring and fall mushrooms can proliferate.  Some mushrooms are a delicacy such as Truffles and Chanterelles and many people seek them out in [...]

Marijuana Toxicity

Marjuana Dangers for your pets   By: Irene S. Choi, DVM There has been a lot of talk about marijuana recently with the passage of new laws allowing recreational marijuana use. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been as much discussion about the dangers of pets ingesting marijuana. With the recent increase in dogs hospitalized for marijuana toxicity and the introduction of [...]

Leave your pooch pal at home

AUTHOR: DIONE L.BLACK, LVT With the arrival of the summer months and beautiful warm sunny days, this is a good time to remind pet owners of the dangers of leaving their beloved pet in parked cars, even for a minute. Like everyone else in the beautiful state of Washington, I happily anticipate the arrival of the [...]

Summer Safety

Authored By: Sarah Kenne, LVT Summer is officially here, and many people are spending time in the great outdoors with their pets. Long after winter holiday decorations have been packed away and bright, spring candies have been eaten, warm weather outings bring a new set of safety concerns for pet owners. One of the biggest dangers [...]

Parvovirus Enteritis

Authored By:  Kathryn R. Krueger, DVM What is Parvovirus? Parvovirus is a highly contagious disease spread by the fecal material of affected animals. The virus infects the walls of the intestines, causing the interior lining of the intestines to slough. It is a serious disease and can be over 90% fatal if untreated. It causes vomiting, [...]

2014 Seattle Met Top Vets

We have exciting news! Dr. James C. Little has been selected in the 2013  and 2014  list of Top Veterinarians in Seattle Met magazine! Ballots were sent to veterinarians in our four local counties, asking which veterinarians they would recommend to provide care to your loved ones and  Dr. James C. Little was chosen for [...]

The Great Horned Owl

This beautiful (we believe female) owl  was found in early April by good samaritans in Thurston County. She was on the ground with eye and wing injuries of unknown origin, most likely hit by a car. She was treated at Raindancer Wild Bird Rescue in Olympia and transferred to the West Sound Wildlife Shelter in late April where she fell into [...]

What is MDR??

Multidrug Sensitivity in Dogs *Drug sensitivities result from a mutation in the multi-drug resistance gene (MDR1). This gene encodes a protein, P-glycoprotein that is responsible for pumping many drugs and other toxins out of the brain. Dogs with the mutant gene cannot pump some drugs out of the brain as a normal dog would, which may [...]

Plants poisonous to Cats

Below is a list of plants that are considered toxic to cats.   Unfortunately it is impossible to name all of the plants so if you have questions please seek veterinary care as soon as possible.  AcocantheraAconiteAlfalfaAlmond (pits)Aloe VeraAlocasiaAlsike CloverAmaryllisAmsinckiaAngels TrumpetAngels WingsApple (seeds)Apple Leaf CrotonApricot (Pits)ArrowgrassArrowhead VineAsparagus FernAutumn CrocusAvacado (fruit and pit)AzaleaBaby's BreathBaneberryBayonetBeargrassBeechBelladonnaBird of ParadiseBitter [...]

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